Friday, September 26, 2014

Ambrosia of the gods

I'm referring to chocolate of course or in this post specifically hot chocolate.  I have been drinking it every week of my entire adult life. Up until I was 21 I was a serious coffee drinker but gave it up cold for various reasons and have been on the wagon since. I take my hot chocolate very seriously.  I used to drink it on Saturday mornings only as the weekend treat.  And not the powdered crap made with instant milk - you know, like Swiss Miss. No! And not a little cup either but a huge cup.  And I now hoard hot chocolate just in case the world falls apart and I can't afford it or all the crops fail and there is none to be found except on the black market.

 I buy the good stuff; pure cocoa with just sugar added, sometimes vanilla  or bits of chocolate added too.  Dissolved into super, piping hot milk.  And I read while I drink it and it can take me a half hour to get through it.  That's how I could do this a couple days ago; let Miss Clairol do her Magic on my silver roots for the duration of the whole cup.

Now I drink it everyday for breakfast and so I can do this, and keep my figure, I make my own concoction with no sugar added, but stevia or Splenda or a combo instead.  Just the best unsweetened Cocoa powder, whole raw milk to which I add a nonfat milk to increase the volumne but retain the whole milk creaminess and non sugar sweetener.  Loaded with calcium, antioxidants, magnesium, serotonin and tyramine (the feel happy stuff those last two) and other good things.  No wonder I have been so cheery and cheer and healthy all my life - bippity!  On Sunday mornings now I drink the hot chocolates with sugar since Sunday is my sugar day. Oh, and this  book below is fabulous - everything you'd ever want to know about chocolate -

Here's my recipe:

2 cups milk (I use a cup of raw whole from happy grass fed pastured local cows; if they're happy I will be too right?, then a cup of stretcher like almond, calorie countdown 35 cal or fat free happy cow milk)
2 very heaping teaspoons of the best unsweetened Cocoa powder you can buy (since I collect and hoard cocoa powder too I blend two kinds every day)
Non sugar sweetener to your taste.

I put my milk in an insanely large cup so the two cups have room to bubble and boil without immediately spilling over the rim because I like mine super super hot.  After your milk is HOT, add the other ingredients. I stir it up with a tiny whisk or I end up having some chunks in the bottom for the last swallow which isn't always pleasant.  Now go and make some!

We all have our obsessions.  I have one more for a future post.  Okay, maybe two more - perfume and dahlias.

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