Thursday, February 5, 2015

Grown Up Snow Day

 Another snow day!!  I decided to do only fun things today, no business of any kind, just like a school kid (well, a bit of laundry, nothing more serious than that).  First order of fun, even before my hot chocolate; go out, wade in the delicious and still falling snow, and fill up some bird feeders.  It was warmer than I imagined it would be, around 33 degrees, practically balmy compared to the last few, so I was able to remove my gloves for bird feeder manipulation.  And I sank down to my knees even though the snow was way deeper than that, and it was heavier and wetter snow falling today.
Bundled up and wearing Dan's hat; the better to shovel snow in as it doesn't pop off my head like my hats do, who knows why.  And silly excited to get out side.  
You can't tell there's a swimming pool within that fence out there. 
The provisions
3 filled, 7 to go

 The second I got in to the house, they started arriving like they'd been watching me from their hideouts and waiting.  I spend a lot of time observing our birds every day; one of winter's true pleasures.

You can't really see the color here but these are all eastern bluebirds.  They keep their wings flapping as they eat when the bird perches are too short as these are.   
The side porch off the living room that looks out over the pool area.  
More indiscernable bluebirds

The bluebird blue color didn't show up on camera but the cardinal red did.
After an hour with the birds, I decided to do some painting projects.  One I started that I left in the cellar for now, after phase one, to be revealed later.  Then I decided to work on water color.  I am having a blast learning, using books, YouTube, and just practice, practice, practice.  Today I completed four.  I'm working on light and shadow.  The three brown eggs, all identical, were a challenge.  They're not professional, but they do kinda look like eggs.  Except one.  As I painted, I listened to Pandora - Debussy and other classical pieces.

That top egg's a little iffy
Then the sun came out!!

To complete the snow day fun, I made a small batch of multi grain chocolate chip cookies I read about this morning on Design Sponge.  Basically, to a recipe like Toll House, add an extra yoke, 1/2 tsp baking powder, and instead of white flour, add the following:  1/2 cup whole wheat flour, 1/2 cup spelt, 1/2 cup buckwheat, 1/4 cup flax or rye flakes (I used flax).  Make as usual; bake 375 for 11 minutes.  The batter has a sandier texture, sandy color; the finished product was both chewy and crunchy and really delicious.  I just love the taste of whole grains.  The recipe's a keeper.  

Like Rye Beach sand.
A sprinkling of sea salt on top 

After all this fun, we went to our friends the Clark's house; the missionaries joined us as well, and we had dinner and discussion.  I ate one of these cookies when we arrived home.  Yum.
And here are some words to live by:

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