Saturday, February 7, 2015

Travelogue - The Virgin Islands

View out our windows - Ritz Carlton near Red Hook on St. Thomas
Two weeks ago we spent 8 days in the Virgin Islands, mainly the US side except for one full day in Tortola, on the British side.  You can't really tell the difference.  This post is meant to be my travel record and provide information about the area in case you feel like going there someday.  We missed a couple of blizzards in New England while we were there which was sad but fortunately we were blessed with a couple of good snow storms when we got home, so like I said in a previous post, its all good.  And here's what we did and where we went by way of a lot of pictures.  Have fun!

Dan buying the requisite Tee shirts.  And golf caps.
Snorkeling area at Coral World near Smith Bay St. Thomas
What you see when you snorkel in these parts above and below pics.

These creatures and feral chickens are everywhere.  And quite friendly, both groups.
This marine biologist was feeding these two 17 year old sisters their vitamins which she shoved into dead squids to make them appealing.  The sisters kept pushing each other down under water and climbing on the other to get to their treats.  
Every day we went to a different beach for half the day and then to another place or activity for the other half.  This beach is Magens Bay Beach on the north side of St. Thomas. 
Beach shack lunch; wraps, burgers and onion rings  
I took several pictures of this little girl in the white hat - yes, I was stalking her as she played in the sand and dug, etc.  She was so cute and playing all by herself so I just sat and watched her.  
Dan heading out to swim.  The sand at this beach was not as white as many of the other beaches here.
Another view of the hotel where we stayed all week.
These guys even visit you at your beach chairs.  
look at this palm tree, very different from most and more of a sage color to the leaves - so pretty.
Heading out from Red Hook on the ferry to St. John.  
Trunk Bay Beach on St. John - very lovely beach and water and great snorkeling.   That's not me in that bikini FYI

School Uniforms - I love them! 
The main harbor on St. John, town of Cruz Bay
We saw so many different combinations of uniforms - each school has different colors; these were my favorite.  

Another beach we played at - Smith Bay Beach - yeah I know, they all look the same.  This is for the record.  
We drove all over  the island of St Thomas and here is a view of Magens Bay where we had hung out earlier in the week.
This is what all the islands look like; green hills, no flat land so all houses are on steep hills, and then water of course.  
Four cruise ships in Charlotte Amalie harbor, the largest town on St. Thomas.  Some days 9 cruise ships arrive and park in two different areas and then thousands of people come pouring out.  
Typical shop in the little towns.
Dan begged me to buy a hat so I gave in.  
Trying my legs at paddle boarding.  The real test will be on the rougher and colder waters of New Hampshire.  
Bolongo Bay - this was the only area and beach where we saw real waves, which you can't tell in this picture.  We ate lunch here at Iggy's, a very popular place with the young and single crowd.
That strip is the airport where you land when you come to the islands.  
This is Tortola on the British islands.  Same view, different country.
We were headed to Cane Garden Beach here on Tortola, British V.I. for the day.
The capital of the British Virgin Islands,  Road Town - fancy name, huh?
Mom and baby chickens hanging around an artist's studio
Dan in the town square at Road Town
More cute shops
I just adore the color of all these little shops. 
This picture was taken just because I love the chicken here in front of this color combo.
We ate this salad twice on our visit - it was so good we made it for dinner as soon as we got home.  Greens with a mild vinaigrette, bacon, roasted small potatoes, and a poached egg on top.

 So what did we do all week?  Read at a different beach every day, a bit of snorkeling, a bit of paddle boarding for me, lots of swimming, a round of golf for Dan, lots of walking, exploring and driving the hills and nooks, and eating many excellent meals.  The towns are tiny.  The bars are packed.  We encountered several obnoxious tourists.  It's not a cosmopolitan place.  Very laid back.  More laid back than I can usually do but I forced myself because I was reading a book I didn't want to put down (Cutting For Stone).  If you also like to scuba dive, fish, and hang out on big boats, than this is a place for you.  

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