Sunday, February 1, 2015

That Day In Pictures - Happy Birthday to A Good Man

In a couple days, this man will celebrate his birthday.  He is my stepdad and he's a darn good man.  I didn't always feel that way when I was growing up, but I think that's normal when you're a kid and then suddenly you have this new man in your life that isn't really your dad but he's married your mom and there he is.  That's how young he was when he took on five children ages seven to 12; only 29 years old.  Without going in to all the details, let me just say that he truly rescued us all and provided a safe and solid childhood. That doesn't mean that he was perfect, that it was all cookies and cake or that it wasn't often a challenge for all of us; he was very strict, but he did the best job he knew how and never made us feel like we were step children or less cared for than his own two biological kids.  I thank God that he came in to our lives when he did.  Thank you so much and happy birthday Dad!

Four of the five of us around the time he came in to our lives.  I'm the cool one .
He and my mom at my wedding a few years ago.
On another note, yesterday I found out that Bonne Bell Lip Smackers will no longer be manufactured!!  I can't believe it's over!!  Remember my post from a couple months ago?  I didn't see it coming.  In a panic, I went on amazon and ordered what I hope will be a number sufficient to see me through for quite a while.  This is just tragic.
My current stash in my desk drawer.
And another thing, if you are looking for a good book to read, I highly recommend "Cutting For Stone".  I did not want to put it down and am grateful we were on vacation last week so I could do this every day (see picture below) and read as much as I wanted to which doesn't happen in every day life.  Fabulous, fabulous book.  I've also read another one of his books; "The Tennis Partner".  Verghase is both a doctor and writer and he seems to be gifted at both.  Go check it out.  

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